Happy Easter weekend Sunshine News Readers! This week has been so busy here at Sunshine HQ, we are definitely looking forward to a long weekend, hopefully with some sunshine!
First of all we wanted kick off this weeks column by saying a HUGE Happy 4th birthday to our friends at St James Square Law firm and an even bigger thank you for sending us some yummy cakes to celebrate! We've been charity of the year at St James Square since 2020 and regular readers will know that they are our partners for this years ball. But shhhhh! I cant talk about that yet……Ok maybe we can share the details with you in next weeks Sunshine News column.
This week we’ve all had a good laugh at the EGG-ceptional photos our friends at Stagecoach have been sending us from their Easter fundraising activities. They've been doing a collection across regional services as well as hosting Whacky Fortnight at the Slatyford Depot where drivers and Stagecoach staff can pay £5.00 to come dressed as a character, a super hero or just anything a bit bizarre really! We are really grateful to all of the depot team and the drivers who have gone above and beyond for us during the pandemic, making sure they find fun and innovative ways to raise money for our cause and make sure local kids get the equipment and quality of life they deserve. Driver Jon and Ops Manager Laura are some of our biggest cheerleaders and always rally the troops to get involved in their crazy fundraising schemes! Thanks to all of the Stagecoach North East passengers too who, as always, have been extremely generous. We know Team Stagecoach LOVE a good dress up challenge so we cant wait to see what they come up with next!
Calling all Superheroes! We are excited to tell you all about a brand new event that we are a part of for 2021, the Super Hero Run! The Super Hero Run is a free, virtual 5km fun run that is taking place UK wide on Wednesday 28th April which just so happens to be National Superhero Day! We’re aiming to set a new unofficial world record of the most people dressed up as a superhero and photographed in a 24 hour period. It's the perfect way for individuals and families to have some fun and help smash an unofficial world record at the same time. Now that we can meet with another household outdoors, why not use this event as a good excuse for a talk and walk with friends? Its free to enter, you can walk or run, skoot, dance or skip. You choose your route, your company, your pace and best of all, your costume! We know our supporters love to dress up (We are looking at your Stagecoach!) so why not dig out that cape or download a mask from the website and become your favourite super hero for the day all in the name of The Chronicle Sunshine Fund. We would love you to take part and share your photos with us! You can sign up here https://www.mysuperherorun.com/ and while there's no cost to take part we would love it if you would get friends and family to sponsor you or your little ones or consider making a one off donation to help us continue our charitable work in our region. All funds you raise will go towards funding our spring equipment round meaning every step you take will help to change the life of a local child with disabilities. That's your superpower!
Enjoy your Easter however you might be spending the weekend. I’ll be looking for my Wonder Woman tiara…..
Stay safe and well.