The first step in applying for equipment is to download and carefully read our Equipment Application Form and Application Guidelines (right).
Please also check that you live within our Eligible Postcode Areas
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept applications from anyone living outside of these postcode areas.
You can complete the Equipment Application From electronically, or, print it to complete a hard copy. Information on where to send completed application forms and supporting letters can be found in Section 16 of the form.
We have quarterly application meetings where equipment is approved by our specialist committee. For your application to be considered for an equipment meeting, it must be submitted with all requested documentation by the set application deadline.
Please note, all dates are subject to change. We will do our best to update you of any changes.​
We welcome applications that have been written on behalf of families – by a professional or someone else who knows the family. Please note that the email address supplied will become the main contact.
Please be aware that once your application has been assessed by our panel; there is a possibility that additional information or evidence may be requested. If additional evidence is requested by the panel this must be submitted to us within three months of the email informing you of the panel's decision or the funding allocated to your piece of equipment will be withdrawn. If additional information is requested, and submitted after the three month date, you will be asked to apply again with a new application form.
As an organisation that receives no statutory funding, we are required to fundraise throughout the year to enable us to purchase equipment. We expect to purchase all equipment within 12 months of the equipment panels approval of an application. Unfortunately it is not possible for us to give specific timescales for application approvals and equipment purchase or delivery date.
Watch our video tutorials before or whilst completing your application form, or simply watch a specific video if you need more assistance on different sections of the application form.
Please be aware there have been changes to how we fund items. For information on funding items and additional support in completing an application, or any questions, please contact Bev our Family Coordinator. If you do not have the facilities to complete an electronic application form, please also contact Bev to request a hard copy to be posted out.