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Great North Run weekend


Great North Run weekend is finally here!!!

I can’t quite believe how quickly it’s came round again and with the GNR route reverting to the original South Shields finish line, we can sense this year is going to be epic!

There is so much time and hard-work that goes into preparing for this weekend, particularly among charities like ours whose entire teams are working flat out in the lead up to the event to make sure runners have everything they need to have an incredible experience and that funds are raised to support their cause.

I really want to thank our team ahead of this years event as they’ve all pulled together to make Team Sunshine the best its ever been. We have team members, husbands, sisters, auntie’s, cousins, friends and our very own kids taking part in the Mini, Junior and Main GNR and I couldn’t be prouder to be part of a team who have taken this charity in their hearts and make it their mission see our families receive they equipment they urgently need and deserve.

I have never worked anywhere else, where the team are so invested in the cause, I just know we’ll all be a blubbering mess tomorrow at Junior and Mini GNR when we see our Sunshine Children take part and prove to the world how capable, strong and determined they are by earing their medals. Each and every child taking part in tomorrow events should be immensely proud of what they are going to achieve but, of course, I’m biased, and will be cheering on Team Mini Sunshine until I am blue in the face and have lost my voice (much to my husbands delight I’m sure).

We have children taking part in the Junior and Mini waves throughout the day but also the Mini 50, a dedicated 50m race enabling children of all abilities to take part. Whether they need their wheelchair, walking frame, or their little sister’s hand to help them cross the finish line, they will do it with a smile across their face because they’ve always known what they are capable of and will continue to amaze and inspire us all.

We also have children taking part in the Wheelchair race including Penny, who many of you will remember as the little girl with the face of determination from GNR’s gone by.

Team Mini Sunshine you are our heroes, never stop shining.

If you’d like to show your support for Team Mini Sunshine, you can pop over and say hello, or make a donation at our exclusive team on the Quayside which has been very kindly gifted to use once again by our friends at Urban Green Newcastle and NE1.

Not forgetting of course the big heroes in yellow capes who will be taking part in the 13.1 mile course at the GNR on Sunday with Team Sunshine. One runner taking part on Sunday, and making her Great North Run debit is Emma Crowe.

Originally from Liverpool, Emma is now an adopted Geordie, living in Newcastle and working in pension administration for Sunshine Fund sponsor, True Potential. “I wanted to challenge myself and train to get into better shape” she says.

“I thought this was a great opportunity also to mix with new work colleagues as well as raise money for a great charity.” The legendary Great North Run atmosphere that brings in runners from across the UK and beyond also convinced her to take part this year.

Emma says: “I have supported friends before and the atmosphere is always great. The positivity, the crowd cheering everyone on, it all just made me want to have a go myself. I’m looking forward to being able to say I completed it.

"The accomplishment and trying my best out of my comfort zone is a really motivating thought – as well as a cold drink at the end.”

Thank you once again to our friends at True Potential for sponsoring Team Sunshine, you really help make this event extra special and we couldn’t do it without you.

Sending lots of love and luck to Emma and Team Sunshine on Sunday, including our very own Erin and Lauren who will be taking part. Erin is our GNR lead and Lauren our Mini and Junior GNR lead, they have both worked so hard this year on the GNR campaign and I’m super proud of them both that they’ve gone to the extreme of taking on the run itself.

They both like to dot the I’s and cross the T’s in everything that they do so it comes as no surprise to me that they’re running to round of what I know will be a sensation weekend.

That’s all from me before I burst into tears, which I really do need to save for tomorrow…

Siobhan x




We are proud to work with so many inspiring organisations and indivduals across the North East who share our passion to enhance the lives of local children with disabilities, here are just a few of them...

The Chronicle Sunshine Fund
NCJ Media

2nd Floor, Eldon Court
Eldon Square
Percy Street
Newcastle upon Tyne




07593 298541


0191 201 6289

Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM

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