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Community events have returned


Hi Sunshine News readers,

What a lovely, yet busy week we’ve had!

You might have spotted Teddy’s story in the Chronicle earlier this week as we launched our urgent equipment appeal to fund the applications from our February round.

Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing some of the stories of the children and families we are helping, but we first need to raise over £60,000 to do so.

As we receive no statutory funding, we rely on the generosity of the North East to raise funds to make a direct difference to the lives of local children.

One local organisation doing their bit to support us in raising these funds is Little Learners Northumberland who hosted a special sunshine themed messy play session on


Little Learners Northumberland is part of an award-winning franchise, providing Messy Play & Mark Making Classes & Events for children 5-months upwards.

Lindsay leads the Nortumberland team and was the driving force behind the sunshine fundraiser after hearing about the children who are desperately waiting for equipment.

Lindsay said: "We had so much fun organising a messy fun event, for families to enjoy today.

"All money raised has gone to The Chronicle Sunshine Fund, and we look forward to being able to fundraise occasionally throughout the year!

"We had little Goodies, name the teddy & lots of painting and messy fun!

"We hope everyone who attended had lots of fun!"

A huge thanks to Lindsay and all who supported, donated, and attended!

We can see why Little Learners is so popular with parents as it allows children to explore and get creative, without making any mess at home!

Another reason we love Lindsay, and her team is because they go above and beyond to ensure that their sessions are fully inclusive and accessible to children with disabilities and additional needs, who thrive from the magical sensory experience that messy play brings.

Give them a follow on Facebook to keep up to date with their events and future fundraising sessions (@LLNorthumberland).

It was a busy weekend for events as North East Netball hosted their Netball Showcase at the Beacon of Light in Sunderland on Saturday, where teams from North East Netball competed in matches against Bath.

The day was a roaring success with plenty of fundraising too, we can’t wait to share with you our plans for summer events to continue with our fabulous partnership.

Thanks to all involved!

We’ve waited so long to see community fundraising events return and they have been well worth waiting for!

If you have an event planned in your local community or group and are looking for a charity to support, then please get in touch with our Fundraising and Events Coordinator Erin to find out how we can support you.

Your donations as always are greatly appreciated and will help us hugely in funding the outstanding equipment from our February round.

Have a wonderful Easter half term all – especially all of those in education, Easter bonnets off to you, you really deserve the break!

Lauren x




We are proud to work with so many inspiring organisations and indivduals across the North East who share our passion to enhance the lives of local children with disabilities, here are just a few of them...

The Chronicle Sunshine Fund
NCJ Media

2nd Floor, Eldon Court
Eldon Square
Percy Street
Newcastle upon Tyne




07593 298541


0191 201 6289

Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM

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Registered Charity Number: 1133293

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