Hi Sunshine News Readers
How are you feeling now that the kids have gone back to school? Its certainly a lot quieter in the Sargeant household….. While its nice to have some small piece of normality back in our lives we are very mindful of all of our families who haven't been able to send their children back or take advantage of therapies or respite care as they are still shielding. Sending you all lots of love and looking forward to brighter days ahead for all of us.
Our families are at the very center of all we do and we are committed to providing relevant and accessible services and provisions that are of benefit. The Covid 19 pandemic meant that our regular family sessions and face to face meetings had to stop so we looked for innovative ways to provide support in a safe way. Regular readers will remember that Our Families Cordinator Rachel, Digital Fundraising manger Lauren and myself spent a day filming at the John Buddle Work Village last October working on family support materials. Earlier this week we were both excited and proud to launch a bank of useful and practical resources to assist our families through our application process with a series of short videos.
These resources were produced by the fantastic team at ITV SignPost who we have worked with previously on family videos and Christmas Appeal content. Each video is fully subtitled ensuring they are accessible to all and we are thrilled to have such fantastic assets that will benefit both our current and our future families for many years to come.
ITV SignPost is a production house based in Gateshead breaking down barriers for film makers who are Deaf or who have a disability. The organisation grew out of the ITV's access services department and has now been providing British Sign Language translations for a range of broadcasters for 20 years. In addition to this, they produce original programming for a range of broadcasters as well as a host of other services too.
As a charity, the Chronicle Sunshine Fund strive to work with organisations who share our ethos and commitment to diversity and inclusion which is why we love working with ITV Signpost. For every project they take on, they ensure that at least half of the people working on the job are either Deaf or have a disability.
Gareth Deighan, head of content at ITV SignPost, said: "When we were asked by the Sunshine Fund to help make some of their videos accessible we jumped at the chance.
"We know their important work well and how they have made a huge difference to many hundreds of North East families.
"We're delighted to think that the work we carried out could make a real difference to families in the region who need some support."
We are exceptionally grateful to all of the ITV Signpost team and we have already had fantastic feedback from families who have used the videos this week! You can find the videos on our website in the apply section:
Stay safe and well